Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today was homecoming at the U of I. It was the first time in 13 years I wasn't in Champaign.

I woke up this morning feeling completely nostalgic - it didn't help that my FB feed was full of people going to the game and enjoying the crisp fall weather!!

IL won the game - it was a nail biter, though. 5-0!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Gut Check

I received a huge gut check this afternoon.

It has been a frustrating work week. Lots of data management issues and lots of frustration among co-workers. A majority of it stems from frustration and poor communication. Needless to say, I was looking forward to coming home and relaxing tonight.

Fast forward to me going to the grocery store & seeing a homeless man on the corner. I had no cash, only change, but I gave him that. But, it still bothered me so I went back to the store and bought him food and gave it to him. I don't know why but something about this man struck a cord in me.

My life is crazy and frustrating at times. But, I seem to forget that I have a million things to be grateful for every day. And, when I complain, I should remember all those things that are good for me.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years - 9/11/2001

It is hard for me to believe that it has been 10 years since 9/11/2001. I will NEVER in my life forget where I was and what I was doing. Nor will I forget how much this changed my life & millions of others' lives.

My friend Kelly's birthday was 9/9 - a Sunday. As per tradition, most of us had gone out for her birthday, the night before, where we ran into a friend of ours, Lisa. Lisa had been a foreign exchange student at my high school during high school and came to the U of I and lived on my floor freshman year. Lisa was hit by a car that night, crossing the street, to go home. She later died.

My roommate, Cara, and I found out about her death on 9/10 - a Monday. We stayed up late on Monday night talking about Lisa and her friendship and her influence on our lives. I didn't have class till late (~11) on Tuesdays so I slept in for a bit. My friend Matt called me to tell to turn on the TV and I snapped at him because I was tired and wanted to sleep but he told me I really needed to turn on the TV. I was in shock - I thought we were watching a movie. All those people falling out of the buildings - the fires - the chaos - the smoke. It was surreal. And, I remember some U of I classes on the Engineering Quad being cancelled because U of I had the world's largest supercomputer. Admin was afraid we'd be attacked, too. I went to class but it was really just a day of healing and praying and remembering.

I remember how patriotic our country was those next few weeks and months. There was nothing Americans could not do. And, we were all proud to be Americans.

I hate our divisive our country has become. I hope today serves as a reminder that we are all Americans first and foremost. Despite all of our political and personal beliefs, the events of 9/11 affected us so strongly because we are Americans and we love this country.

It's good to be an American.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

More Southern Living

Well - you can take the girl out of the Big 10 but you can't take the Big 10 out of the girl! I spent a lot of today watching college football and following the Big 10 either on TV or online.

Because I don't follow SEC football (at least not as religiously as the Big 10), I decided to go grocery shopping this afternoon when the UGA/SCar game started at 4:30. Went to the store - got my essentials - paid - came out -and DISASTER!!

Rhonda's passenger side mirror is BROKEN - OH NO!! No note, no nothing, not even an apology. The casing is cracked and the mirror is broken. I am just so bummed.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Good-bye Summer 2011

I cannot believe another summer is behind us!!

I remember when I was a kid I thought summer use to stretch out endlessly in front of me. Now, it is like a blink of the eye between Memorial Day & Labor Day. And, the older I get, the worse my memory is. I cannot, for the life of me, remember what I did on Memorial Day this year. I'm sure I went home for part of it but I cannot seem to guarantee it =)

It was a bittersweet summer, though. Turning 30 and getting my PhD was an awesome starting point to the summer but leaving my home and everyone I love and care for was so hard. I'm still homesick - although it hits me at different times now, like when I'm driving or sitting at work.

But - on to bigger and better things! I'm excited for my first fall in the South!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

One Month Down!

Today marks my official one month anniversary with UGA! I started work on 8/1. I've learned a lot and really feel part of the UGA lab team.

In other news - I also moved (AGAIN!!). This weekend I'm going to spend some significant unpacking and rearranging my room so that I can be productive regarding my classes and my writing. I'd like to spend 2-3 hours a day writing but right now it has been difficult because my office has been like Grand Central Station.

First game of the football season this weekend: UGA vs. Boise State. Go 'Dawgs!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dixie Land Living - 1 Month Down

So - I've officially lived in the South for a month now. I arrived in Athens on 7/25/11 and today is 8/25/11. I can't say it feels like home, yet, but I think 95% of that is due to my living situation. I'm hoping that once I get moved into my new place (latest a week from now - earliest a few days from now) that Athens will start feeling more like home.

Although my temporary living situation isn't the greatest and I am far from all the things I know and love, I am grateful for a work family that cares for me. I have no idea what I would do without my 10 friends at work!